NES Pen Pals with Cumann Spoirt An Phobail (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
New England Surf Connects with West Belfast Club, Cumann Spoirt An Phobail (CSP) – Players from both Clubs to connect old school as Pen Pals
New England Surf is launching a unique partnership with Cumann Spoirt An Phobail, a sports club based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
NES is an elite soccer Club based in Boston with over 1000 players and is an affiliate of San Diego Surf, one of the most successful clubs in US Youth Soccer history. The Surf Affiliate Program, known as Surf Nation, has over 25,000 players.
‘Cumann Spoirt An Phobail (CSP), which translates as “Community Sports”, was established in 2007 and is based in West Belfast. The club is a voluntary sporting organisation with charity status. They are a community-based club that aims to promote football as a means to positive community engagement.
The vision of the partnership is to connect young people from both the US and Northern Ireland and have them share their football and life experiences with each other in a Pen Pal exchange system. Both Clubs decided that the art of writing a letter is being lost due to social media. Each player will be buddied up with a player from the other club to write and exchange experiences in soccer and living in different parts of the world.
This partnership has been put together via Dee McComb from CSP and Joe Bradley, whose brother Peter Bradley is the Technical Director of New England Surf. The idea behind the partnership is to connect people through football, and create friendships and potential opportunities for each young person. The goal is to inspire each participant to be a better version of themselves and to dream big and essentially achieve those dreams.
“I see football as a perfect tool to connect people, to bring people together, and to grow and maintain friendships, regardless of where they are in the world.” Said Dee McComb, one of the founders of CSP. “This is an example of how we can create opportunities, memories, experiences, friendships, and learning all through our beautiful game, football.”
The clubs have agreed that the 2010/2011 age groups would start the relationship and, from here, we would hope to grow and foster this relationship in the coming months and years.
For more information, please contact Dee McComb at davidnewhill@hotmail.co.uk, or read more HERE.