South Shore Technical Training Spring
South Shore Technical Training
February Break Skills Clinic – Hyde Park
February Break Skills Clinic – Metro Boston
April Break “Best Ballers” Clinic
Build Confidence Create Excellence New England Surf is delighted to launch our Winter Phase 1 Technical Development Programs. This club neutral program emphasizes soccer technical skill development within every training session through ball mastery skills and 1v1 drills. The Technical Development Program was created for athletes ranging from the ages of 8-13 years. The overall…
Read MoreMetro South – Winter JAS Skills Clinic – Hyde Park
Build Confidence Create Excellence New England Surf is delighted to launch our Winter Phase 1 Technical Development Programs. This club neutral program emphasizes soccer technical skill development within every training session through ball mastery skills and 1v1 drills. The Technical Development Program was created for athletes ranging from the ages of 8-13 years. The overall…
Read MoreMetro South – Winter Skills Clinic – Hyde Park
Build Confidence Create Excellence New England Surf is delighted to launch our Winter Phase 1 Technical Development Programs. This club neutral program emphasizes soccer technical skill development within every training session through ball mastery skills and 1v1 drills. The Technical Development Program was created for athletes ranging from the ages of 8-13 years. The overall…
Read MoreApril Break Best Ballers Clinic – Metro South and South Shore
Showcase Your Skills Join the Best of the Best New England Surf is delighted to invite you to our Winter Junior Academy! We will be offering a FREE two week trial to all players, with the option to register for all 7 weeks (includes 2 weeks free) or start out with a free 2-week offering…
Read MoreApril Break “Greatest GK” Clinic
Metro South – U12 Girls Winter Skills Clinic
Build Confidence Create Excellence New England Surf is delighted to launch our Winter Phase 1 Technical Development Programs. This club neutral program emphasizes soccer technical skill development within every training session through ball mastery skills and 1v1 drills. The Technical Development Program was created for athletes ranging from the ages of 8-13 years. The overall…
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